Bank of Gassaway

Dear John,

Thanks for taking a few moments to stop by.

I want to show you the difference between what the current Caller Experience is like at the Bank of Gassaway branches, and what Prosound could be doing for Bank of Gassaway with our custom On-Hold Message service.

Here are two examples of what took place on August 11th, 2010

An Actual Call
to Bank of Gassaway:

What Customers
Could Hear:

Bank of Gassaway phone call Bank of Gassaway – On-hold Sample

Of course, that was just an example of what we could do for you. Before we craft an entire script, we would work with your team on doing a full business uncovery, to help us know exactly what needs to be said in the message, and how to say it the most interesting and salient way.

Right now, your customer hears canned music, with one generic announcement when he is placed on-hold with your branch. With nothing to let him know you still care…to remind him why he banks with Bank of Gassaway.

You have the opportunity to answer the very question he was calling about…give him information to help his financial plan…or let him know of other ways Bank of Gassaway can be a part of his financial picture. But you’re both missing that advantage.

Next time your customer calls and is placed on hold, understand that you’re giving him one more “drip” into an intravenous artery of unhappiness. How many “drips” will it take to make him look for another bank?

Don’t take the risk. Hire Prosound to transform your caller experience for just a few dollars per day for each location.

You’ll never be locked in to using our services!

It’s simple. It’s called our “One-Conditional Guarantee” where if at any time you wish to cancel, simply notify us in writing, and let us know one thing we could have done to make it a better experience for you. (That way, we can learn for the next client!) If you’re using our On-Hold message player, simply return that to us, and you won’t hear from us again. (unless of course you want to). Simple. Easy. Clear. The One-Conditional Guarantee from Prosound. Because we work hard for your business!

Have a Question or Ready to Start?