Hold the Cheese!

Bonus Online Resources

Hold the Cheese isn’t limited to just the book you hold in your hands! We’ve got bonus content that wouldn’t fit in the book right here.


Video: Introduction to Chester

Talking face to face is always better than making your read something about me. So watch this 2:32 video introduction. View Video

Chapter 1

Video: Acoustic Touchpoints

Creating an “audio brand” for telephone touch points is critical to your overall Customer Experience. View Video

Interactive Presentation: The Power of Sound

Understanding the power that sound carries is essential before you begin to design a terrific Caller Experience. Watch Presentation

Video: Brands You Know by Sound

Creating an “audio brand” for telephone touch points is critical to your overall Customer Experience. View Video

Chapter 7

Audio: DSW Order Status

If you want to connect with an individual caller, you have to talk to them like an individual! Listen to Audio

Chapter 8

Video: How Sound Affects Us

Every brand out there is making a sound right now. What does your brand sound like? Watch Video

Audio: On-Hold Anatomy

When planning your On-Hold message, consider who’s purpose is being served. Listen to Audio

Audio: Meet Jack

An On-Hold Message that is unique, customized for the specific company, and unusable by any competitor. Listen to Audio

Video: What Does He Smell Like?

You don’t have to use all the senses in order to fully engage your prospects senses! Watch Video

Audio: Talking Chickens

Draw your caller in with a message that engages their mind. Listen to Audio

Audio: Wagon Yard On-Hold Experience

The experience of calling the Wagon Yard gives you the same feeling as walking in the front door. Hope you don’t have other plans, because you’ll probably want to stay a while. Listen to Audio

Caller Experience Checklist

PDF: Caller Experience Checklist

Download the PDF